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Who has the right to intercede before Allāh Taālā?

How was the meat of the ram sacrificed by Ibrāhīm Alaihisalām distributed?

I had a question about the term soya lechiten if it haram or not?

“I want to give you divorce”…Did divorce take place in this case?

What should I do to resolve my marital life?

A man has given his wife 2 Talāqs. They live together but they haven’t slept together since then.

What are the names of the individuals or individual who did wudhu as soon as he broke it. Can I also have the Hadith please? Jazakallah

Is it prohibited to have sexual intercourse on the day of Eid etc?

Can I sell a gift?

Can I do Qurbani on behalf of my daughter?

If Allah warns us against Satān, then why doesn’t he destroy him?

I am in a relationship with a man what should I do?

Is it permissible to use immoral language for nafs and shaytān ?

I have given my wife Talāq through text messaging before the marriage was consummated.

Will I be a musafir by travelling to Dehli from Kashmir for less than 15 days? Especially when I have a house and business in Dehli also?