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What is wahdatul wujood?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Tafseer Raheemi


What is wahdatul wujood, I understand that it’s some sort of sufi terminology?


It means that the real wujood (existence) is of Allah , everything else is creation and their wujood is given by Allah. Some sufees who do ‘ghuluw’ (exaggeration) took this to mean that Allah is in everything. Therefore, they claimed that whatever creation we see, Allah is in it, to the extent that if a dead dog was lying in the street, they would say Allah is in there too. This is wrong and unislamic. The real sufees who adhere to the Quran and Sunnah never say this.

This answer was collected from Tafseer-Raheemi.com the official website of Sheikh Abdul Raheem Limbada (Hafizahullah) of UK.

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