Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Tafseer Raheemi » I get very angry at my kids and husband even when they haven’t done anything. Dua to for protection from anger.

I get very angry at my kids and husband even when they haven’t done anything. Dua to for protection from anger.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Tafseer Raheemi


Assalamualaikum. Most of the time I get very angry at my kids and husband even when they haven’t done anything. All day I’m busy in house chores looking after 3 kids I get really tired and take it all out on them I hate it when I do that. Is there anything I could pray to stay calm and not to get angry all the time?


Be cool. Because your angry sue to stress, you need to eliminate that first. Therefore, read Tasbeehate Fatima before you goto sleep. This will enable  you to have a good nights sleep, and give you the proper rest required for the chores of the next day.

Secondly, when you do get angry, say “I seek refuge in Allah from Shaytan the wretched one”. This will calm you down, as anger is from Shaytan.

This answer was collected from Tafseer-Raheemi.com the official website of Sheikh Abdul Raheem Limbada (Hafizahullah) of UK.

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