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Where in Quran it says to cover face niqab

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org
Is it compulsory for women 2 cover their face? If so then why it is allow 2 show the face in hajj n in umrah and where in quran it says that women should cover their face…???
Where in Quran it says to cover face niqab
Women should cover their faces all time; it’s obligatory on them, even when they are in hajj or umrah. There are two different things, one is to perform hajj and umrah; two to cover one’s face in front of men. They are separate things.
Like a woman is allowed to show her face and hands while praying but it doesn’t mean she can do that in front of strange men.
Same thing with Hajj or Umrah when a woman comes in front of a man she should cover her face but when it doesn’t happen she should leave her face open. The verse in 22nd juz says that they should put cloth over themselves to which the exegetes say it means to cover their faces. Because clothing are there on the body from before so to say it again mean to cover the face as is the case some proverbs; when we say put a cloth on yourself, we mean cover your face. Also, in the interpretation of the verse someone asked Ibn Abbas and he had a handkerchief which he wrapped around his head until only one of eyes was shown and he said this is what that verse means. The female companions all used to do the same thing. Aisha r.a. says that we went with the prophet peace be upon him and when we approached men we would cover our faces and when we didn’t see them we left our faces our open. So, we know from this that covering faces is obligatory.

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This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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