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Charging phones in the Masjid

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org


One of the eminent elders of Da’awat o tableegh has said in one of his bayaans that it is HARAAM to charge phones in the mosque by people participating in tableeghi effort. I wanted to ask its Shara’ee status.

What if we donate some money equal to or greater than the overall expenditure of the electricity used during our stay in the mosque? Would it still be considered Haraam?

The reasoning that the respectable elder has given is that mosques are funded by common people and if you want to charge phones in the mosque then you have to ask each and every person who is contributing to the Masjid.

He has also mentioned that same ruling would NOT apply to using fans and lighting in the mosque meaning we can use them but cannot charge our phones.

Kindly throw some light on this.

JazakAllah Khair

الجواب وباللہ التوفیق

The belongings of the Masjid are actually Waqf, and are meant for Masjid use only, therefore, it’s not correct for anyone to use them for his person. The electricity also is for convenience of the Musallis (people praying there, therefore, its use for the Musallis is under the necessities of the Masjid, but if someone uses the electricity for his person, e.g., for charging the mobile or the laptop then these are not the necessities of the Masjid rather it would be for his person, therefore, the ‘Ulama have forbidden it. If needed have them charged at some shop or house by paying them, or if some local Jamaat brother get it done from his home without charging money then this is also correct. And if charging outside the Masjid is difficult then with the permission of the administrator of the Masjid charge it with Masjid’s electricity and give some money to the Masjid in proportion to the electricity used rather some extra then there is room for doing it.

ولا یحمل الرجل سراج المسجد إلی بیتہ۔ (الفتاویٰ الہندیۃ ۱؍۱۱۰)

وفي الإسعاف : ولیس لمتولي المسجد أن یحمل سراج المسجد إلی بیتہ ۔ (البحر الرائق:۵/۴۲۰ ، کتاب الوقف )

ولو وقف علی دہن السراج للمسجد لا یجوز وضعہ جمیع اللیل بل بقدر حاجۃ المصلین ، ویجوز إلی ثلث اللیل أو نصفہ إذا احتیج إلیہ للصلاۃ فیہ ۔ کذا في السراج الوہاج ۔ (فتاویٰ ہندیہ: ۲/۴۵۹ ، کتاب الوقف ، الباب الحادي عشر ، مطلب فیما إذا أراد أن یقرأ الکتاب بسراج المسجد)(فتاویٰ دار العلوم ، رقم الفتوی:۲۹۶۵۲)

إن أراد إنسان أن یدرس الکتاب بسراج المسجد، إن کان سراجُ المسجد موضوعًا في المسجد للصلاۃ، قیل: لا بأس بہ، وإن کان موضوعًا لا للصلاۃ بأن فرغ القوم من صلاتہم وذہبوا إلی بیوتہم وبقی السراج في المسجد قالوا: لا بأس بأن یدرس بہ إلی ثلث اللیل، وفیما زاد لا یکون لہ حق التدریس کما في فتاویٰ قاضي خان۔ (الفتاویٰ الہندیۃ ۲؍۴۵۹)

واللہ اعلم بالصواب

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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