At one place a brother passed away in one city. All relatives performed Salatul Janazah in that city. Then they took Janazah to village where he would be buried. All people performed one more Salatul janazah and then they took Janazah to the cemetry and then performed one more Salatul janazah.
So total 3 Salat were performed for one deceased and then they buried the deceased.
Is that right? Is it allowed in Islam? Any fatwa about performing multiple Salat ul Janazah.
And also all relatives are taking pride that their relative had 3 Janazah prayers.
الجواب وباللہ التوفیق
The Salat ul Janazah in reality is prescribed to pray one time, however, if the Wali of the deceased had not prayed the Salat ul Janazah and he wants to pray again then there is permission for it but it is necessary that those who have prayed before they should not participate again. In the situation inquired about if the Wali of the deceased had prayed the Salat ul Janazah or he had given permission then to pray several Salats this way was not correct and when the worships have no room for boasting then how it can have room for it in the incorrect actions.
It comes in the Fatawa Hindiya:
ولا یصلی علی میت واحد الا مرۃ واحدۃ (فتاویٰ ہندیہ: کتاب الصلاۃ، ۱ / ۱۶۳)
واللہ اعلم بالصواب