Answered by Ustadha Shaista Maqbool
Question: I am confused about whether my toes should be pointing towards the Qibla during sajda. I have been told two things: my feet should be off to the right both while in prostration and while sitting. I have also been told that my toes should be pointing to the Qibla during sujood but feet off to the right while sitting. Which is correct?
Answer: Wa’alaikum assalaam wa rahmatu Allah,
It is a confirmed sunnah for men to point their toes towards the Qiblah while in prostration.
As for women, it is not a sunnah for them to prop up their feet during prostration. The latter is mentioned by Ibn Abideen in his Hashiyah as a quote from Al-Bahr of Ibn al-Nujaym. Hence, a woman’s feet would be pointing towards the right, as a consequence of her sitting position (see below).
In the sitting, the sunnah for men is iftirash i.e. to sit on his left foot and stand up his right foot.
As for a woman, she sits in the tawarruk position by sitting on her buttocks, putting one thigh on the other, and bringing out her left foot from under her right hip [Hashiyah al-Tahtaawi]. So naturally, her foot would be pointing towards her right direction.
Checked & Approved by Faraz Rabbani