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Women Praying Salah at the Mosque

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by SunniPath Answer Service Team

I have a question regarding the taraweeh prayers of women. I understand that there is a hadith which says that it is better for women to pay at home. But why did the women at the time of the prophet (saw) perform all their prayers at the mosque? Also, going to the mosque to do taraweeh prayers means that I get to listen to the recitation of the holy Qur’an. I don’t know many surahs myself which I can recite in my prayer. Another thing is that in the mosque, I spend 2 hours in worship whereas at home I spend less than an hour. In light of the above, would it be better for me to pray at home or at the mosque?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 


Wa Alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,


In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate


From a previous question answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani:

At the same time, if there is a reason to go to the mosque, such as learning, meeting with other Muslim women, or if one is out of the house for a need and the time for prayer is in, then there is nothing disliked about praying in the mosque whatsoever.

Rather, top traditional scholars say that women in situations (such as those prevalent in the West) where they are not in regular company of committed Muslim women should try to actively go to the mosque or Islamic center in order to sustain their faith and religious commitment through its essential factors: beneficial knowledge, worship, good company, and the remembrance of Allah in all its forms.

It is in this context, given the times, that we should keep in mind the words of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), ‘Do not prevent women from attending the mosque, even though their houses are better for them.’ [Abu Dawud]

Be avid for that which benefits you.






SunniPath Fiqh Team




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This answer was indexed from Qibla.com, which used to have a repository of Islamic Q&A answered by various scholars. The website is no longer in existence. It has now been transformed into a learning portal with paid Islamic course offering under the brand of Kiflayn.

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