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Filth, Death, and Faith… 

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Abu Usamah

1. If wadhi comes out of penis and goes onto clothes then do the clothes become impure.
2. when a person has a wet dream why do they have to change their clothes, shouldn’t it be just where the najis hit.
3. if a person dies knowing he had na paak clothes on will he die as a kafir.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Al-Salam `alaykum

1. Yes, wadi (a thick yellowish liquid that is discharged after urinating) is impure and the clothes will have to be washed if more than the amount of a dirham come onto them. If it is not washed then the salah will not be valid.

If less than this then it will be preferable to wash it off. *

2. After a wet dream one does not have to change all their clothes. Yes, any piece of clothing soiled with impurity will have to be changed or washed.

3. No, he will not die as a kafir. Nevertheless it is not advisable to delay in washing impurities off one’s clothes. To delay to the extent that a salah is missed is impermissible.

* NB: Laws relating to impurities and their methods of purification that will help in understanding the above answers can be found at http://www.sunnipath.com

Allah Ta`ala Knows Best

Abu Usamah

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