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Praying when the bleeding stops or starts

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Sidi Fadi Qutub Zada

A woman’s period usually lasts 5-6 days, on the 6th day after Isha prayer she believes her period to be over but stays up until Fajr just in case it starts again so that she can do ghusl. At Fajr time she has not seen any blood so does ghusl and resumes praying until Maghrib of the 7th day when she sees a small amount of blood. She is then unsure as to whether she should pray at Maghrib or not because the blood she has seen on the 7th day may have been the end of her period, but she has also read that it is a sin to do salah whilst menstruating, should she read that Maghrib prayer?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

Yes, she must make ghusl and pray maghrib. It is recommended for her to wait until the end of the recommended time of the prayer to pray, lest she see blood.

And Allah knows best

Fadi Qutub

edited 12/27/2006

Hedaya Hartford

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