i have been advised by my doctor to take ferrous sulphate tablets because i have dangerously low iron levels. she has also put me on a very high dosage of iron tablets known as ferrous sulphate tablets. these tablets are to be taken twice or thrice a day. unfortunately the brand of tablets that she has prescribed contain a sugar coating which has gelatin in it. i have been advised by a mufti that if i do not find a suitable alternative i will be allowed to take these tablets. i have researched alot regarding these tablets and my pharmacist has even informed me that you don’t get them gelatin free. i have also checked on the internet to no avail. regular iron tablets will not do because of the fact that they have low iron content compared to ferrous sulphate tablets. i was hoping that you could help me find gelatin free tablets of this type, also if i do not find these tablets will it be ok for me to take these tablets. i need an answer as soon as possible because my health is slowly getting worse day by day.
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