I will try to be very short as required. I am over 30 years old, and there is a guy, also over 30 years old. We both are muslims. We want to get married, but our parents don’t agree. Their disagreement isn’t based on islam, but on issues like caste and status. I have done Hajj, alhamdulillah, and I pray 5 times a day, but sometimes unfortunately I do skip my prayers, but I really try to pray as we should. I use hijab and try to follow islam as much as possible. They guy is also decent, loving towards his family etc. We live in the West, so we could have gotten married all by ourselves, but we don’t want to do that to our parents. We want them to give us our blessings. I have read on net that we can do the wazifa “aghisni aghisni aghisni ya mogheeso”. Should we both do that wazifa or you can give us another? His mother and family live in Pakistan, so he can’t do dam on some sweet food etc so his mother can eat it. I live with parents. Could you give us a wazifa and the requirements in order to do the wazifa. I apologize for my poor English. I am looking forward to an answer. JazakAllah khair. Allah hafiz.
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem Al Jawaab Wa Billahit-Tawfeeq Respected questioner, Please refer to the following link: And Allah knows best ————————————– |