I am currently studying to become a teacher and am facing difficulties with the course.
I am finding it very time consuming which has also resulted in affecting my health. It is stressful physically, mentally and emotionally.
I have lossed time for ibadah, quran etc.
I have faced compromising issues such as tackling homophobic behaviour. I was asked to assist a class in giving a presentation about tackling homophobia. Alhumdulliah the class decided that they did not want to do the topic. However, I am pretty sure issues like this occur frequently in school.
I have experienced that most teachers are women which makes it difficult for a muslim man.
I have made istikharah and I have seen that I left the course and the feeling i have inside is that I do not want to continue.
However, people have told me to continue and start what I finished. They have told me it is a good qualification to have.
I have been asked ‘what am I going to do next’? I have replied – find a job which is less time consuming and rizk is from Allah.
What do you as ulema suggest?
JazakAllah Khair
Wa Alaikum Salam,
Alhamdulillah it is very pleasing to see the concern of Allah’s worshippers when they feel they are being pulled away from Deen slowly. With the love for Deen in your heart, Allah (swt) will insha-Allah lead you on the straight path. With the issues mentioned in the question. Teaching is not in itself Haram. Certain conditions in certain circumstances can make teaching at a place Makrooh and sometimes even Haram. Looking at your circumstances, if alot of time is given in teaching and Fardh Salah are not missed, and if not other unislamic activities are done during the job then inshaAllah the job, no matter how long the hours, will be beneficial. However, you mentioned 2 things which would make us say that to leave the job is better for the sake of your Deen. 1. Istikhaarah, your heart being inclined to leaving it even after being told it is a good qualification is an answer to your Istikhaarah. 2. Environment, most teachers being females. This type of environment involves much unnecessary intermingling of males & females. This itself being Haram and in the teaching field, sometimes this act becomes necessary. If Haram becomes necessary in a job, the Job would also becomes Haram (This is a general scenario). Indeed, all places that weaken Imaan must be avoided and to fulfil rights of family, one must earn. Allah (swt) provides. There are Muslims earning ?15,000/annum through jobs which are Haram and there are also Muslims earning ?45,000/annum through jobs which are Halal. Allah (swt) provides, it is our deeds and choices that make that income Halal or Haram. The wiser choice would be to decide a job that will safeguard your Imaan/Deen. And Allah knows best ————————————– |