Q: As I am no longer a teenager it is obviously impossible for me to turn back into a teenager even if I make dua for such a thing to happen. From the hadeeth which speaks about the last person to enter jannah, we know that not all Muslims will get to Jannah immediately and some will have to burn in jahannam first. So it is impossible for all Muslims to be saved from jahannam. Therefore what is the point of the ulama asking us to make dua to Allah to save all Muslims from jahannam when it is an impossibility that all Muslims will be safe from jahannam?
A: You do not need to worry about these matters. These are Allah Ta`ala’s affairs. You cannot influence any decision nor are you more compassionate and merciful than Him. Hence, leave this to Him as He will decide the way He sees best. But you need to definitely focus on your obligations and duties.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)