Q: My husband has two daughter from his X-wife. His wife was in adultery and she divorced him and took both girls with her. She got married with other guy and divorced him too. Now she (X wife) send her oldest daughter to my home. She is now 18 years old. My husband is still paying child support for them and will continue paying for the next 5 years, until his younger daughter turns 18. First daughter is also in adultery just like mom. X wife sent oldest daughter to my home to let her live with me and my husband. She said that she asked some people in mosque that how can she save her younger daughter from her older sister to stay out of this habbit. They told her to send her here to her father. Even she got here but she showed herself just in a week. My hubby and his x wife hid all their daughter’s behavior from me. I let her stay in my house, but now my question is, I have two sons too, don’t I have to save my kids from her to learn bad things. I don’t want her to stay in my home. So I told my hubby to send her back as she is the punishment of her mom
not me. Why should keep her and I am not even comfortable with her, but father doesn’t want to send her back as she came to live him after 13 years. Am I doing something wrong. Don’t I have right to save my kids? They are just 8 and 6 years old boys. Please let me know what should I do?
A: We advise that you and your husband refer your problem to a pious, senior Aalim who deals with these type of problems.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Zakaria Makada
Checked & Approved:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)