Q: I want to tell you that my graduation is going to be complete after 15 days, after that I have to move from my native place to Bangalore (India) which is 1435 km away from my native place in search for a job and let me also tell u that in our native land, bhadrak (odisha, India) has no job opportunities so I am bound to migrate to Bangalore.
I am the only son of my parents and my parents are quite old (my father is 73 yrs old and my mother is 60 yrs) and we are financially not sound. The problem is that they can’t go with me because of financial problems and my father’s health. But they are allowing me and forcing me to go to Bangalore in search of a job and for a better future and they are telling me don’t worry about us, Allah is with us. Now, what I will do as my parents are giving me permission and forcing me to move to Bangalore for the sake of job.
So, please tell me what should I do in this situation. I have a fear of Allah that what will I tell him on the day of judgement if Allah asks me why I left my parents alone and went in search job.
A: If you don’t take up a good reliable job will they be in financial constraints? If they will be in financial constraints and will go through difficulties then it is permissible for you to go out with their blessings with the intention to be able to help them. In your absence you may request some of your friends and family to take care of your parents.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)