Q: I need help because I am in very big trouble and I’m going through a very difficult situation.
My parents have been searching for a good match for me. Since the last two years many proposals came but some were rejected. I have always dreamed of a perfect guy. I know I am wrong in this regard. I rejected many becuse I always compare people with others who are spending a perfect life. Another proposal came and my elders liked him as they are way worried of my future life. But he is not educated to my level although he is lucky to have a stable job. But he is not good looking, educated, like my previous rishtas. I don’t even know much of his family history. Just know that he is good Muslim with better character. I am constantly comparing him with prior proposals and pondering over my mistake. I am so guilty. My parents want me to marry him but i still dont. I cant say no to my parents now cause they are forcing me and worried as well. am I also afraid of Allah punishment. Plz help me out what should I do? My heart and mind is not preparing for it since i have tried a lot.
A: If your parents are happy and his character is sound and there is no deeni weakness in him then you should accept the proposal.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)