Q: Will the talaaq take place if my husband suspends the talaaq upon any action that he does. For example, he says “If I watch porn, then my wife is divorced”. Then, in the future, if he does watch any porn, will the talaaq take place? Similarly, what is the Shar’ee ruling if my husband suspends the talaaq upon any action that I do? For example, he says “If you go to your friends house, you will be divorced”. If I then at any time in the future go to my friends house, will the talaaq take place?
A: If your husband suspended the talaaq upon any particular action that he performs, then upon him carrying out that specified action, the talaaq will take place e.g. he says, “I will never watch porn and if do watch porn, then my wife is divorced”. Hence, if he watches porn thereafter, the talaaq will take place. Similarly, if your husband suspended the talaaq upon any action which you carry out, the talaaq will take place at the time you carry out the action e.g. he says, “If you go to your friends house, you will be divorced”. Thus, at any time in the future, if you go to your friends house, the talaaq will take place.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
وإذا أضافه إلى شرط وقع عقيب الشرط مثل أن يقول لامرأته إن دخلت الدار فأنت طالق وهذا بالاتفاق (الهداية 2/385)
ثم إن وجد الشرط في ملكه انحلت اليمين ووقع الطلاق لأنه وجد الشرط والمحل قابل للجزاء فينزل الجزاء ولا تبقى اليمين لما قلنا وإن وجد في غير الملك انحلت اليمين لوجود الشرط ولم يقع شيء لانعدام المحلية (هداية 2/386)
( وتنحل ) اليمين ( بعد ) وجود ( الشرط مطلقا ) لكن إن وجد في الملك طلقت وعتق وإلا لا (الدر المختار 3/355)
Answered by:
Mufti Zakaria Makada
Checked & Approved:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)