If Damm becomes Waajib on a person during Hajj, when does he have to perform the animal sacrifice, and if he returned home after Hajj, without performing Damm, is his Hajj incomplete? (not Damm Shukr but the other Damm where someone misses a Waajib act during Hajj).
There is no specific time in which the Damm should be performed. However the place of performing this act has been specified and that is the Haram. The Damm cannot be performed in any other place but the Haram.
One should not delay in discharging any duty of the Shari’ah; therefore the sooner the Damm is fulfilled the better.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Darul Iftaa
Jameah Mahmoodiyah
15 January 2005
04 Thul Hijjah 1425