Q1-Did prophet S.A.W read Rabbij alni mukeemas salaate wamin zuriyatee rabbana wataqabbal Du’aa after Durood Shareef in Salaat?
Q2-A person reads the Du’aa mentioned in question number 1 after Durood Shareef in Salaat but he does not know the Du’aa Allahumma inny zalumto nafsi zulman katheera then is it Waajib for him to learn the Du’aa?
Q3-Will he be sinful if he does not learn the Du’aa mentioned in question 2?
We have not come across any Hadith stating that Nabi (S.A.W.) read this Du’aa after the Durood in Salaah. It has however been mentioned in Sahih Bukhari that: “ thereafter he (S.A.W.) use to recite a Du’aa which was most liked by him and then make Du’aa.” (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 115)
Allah (S.W.T.) has mentioned: “and thou should beg forgiveness for the shortcomings of thyself and for the believing men and believing women; and Allah knows your movements and your places of settling.” (Surah Muhammad, Verse 19)
In this Ayah Allah (S.W.T.) is encouraging us to make Istighfaar for all the believing males and females. Nabi (S.A.W.) used to make such a Du’aa which was all-inclusive and he used to leave the rest. (Abu Dawood, Vol. 1, Page 208)
The Du’aa mentioned in your question is from the Qur’aan and it is a comprehensive Du’aa. Therefore it would be permissible to recite this Du’aa in your Salaah.
No, it is not Waajib to learn the Du’aa “Allahumma Inni Zalamtu…” And the one who does not learn it is not sinful.
And Allah Ta’ala knows best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Darul Iftaa
Jameah Mahmoodiyah
29 December 2004
17 Thul Qa’dah 1425