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Meaning of reciting durood shareef in dreams.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I often have nightmares in which to some extent during the nightmare I am somewhat conscious and am aware that im having a nightmare, so I start praying durood shareef during the nightmare in the hope I wake up from the horrid dream. What is the meaning of praying durood shareef during a dream?


The reciting of Durood Shareef whilst experiencing a nightmare is a manifestation of your closeness to Durood Shareef.

May Allah Ta’ala grant you peace and relief, Aameen.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.