Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Jamia Binoria » Is it allowed for women to start praying 8 Rakaat of Taraweeh and gradually build up to 20?

Is it allowed for women to start praying 8 Rakaat of Taraweeh and gradually build up to 20?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Jamia Binoria
I just wanted to inquire if women are allowed to pray 8 rakaat of traweeh. i am aware that 20 has to be prayed but some women have never prayed traweeh in their lives and to start them praying traweeh can they start of with 8 rakats and gradually build it up to 20 rkats. as they have never prayed traweeh in their 20 rakats sounds very daunting for them and i was thinking that they are missing out on this namaz can they start of with 8 and build it up. jazak Allah

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

Due to a Shar’I excuse or a physical weakness if a male or a female performs less number of Raka’at of Traweeh instead of 20, his/her action although is a cause of reward and Sawab but Sunnat will not be accomplished by this. Sunnat will be accomplished only by performing 20 Raka’ats and it is necessary to be diligent on it.
Allah knows best.

This Q&A was indexed from the official english fatwa portal of Jamia Binoria. It is an Islamic educational institute in Karachi, Pakistan.

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