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Fatwa on Qurbani, if a father gives on behalf of the family, is it enough or should each individual give?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Jamia Binoria
I wish to acquire fatwa regarding Qurbani. My father use to give Qurbani on behalf of all the family members (7 in number). Now, I no longer live with my father but my father give Qurbani on my behalf as well. I also give some money to my mother for household expanses. My question is: Do I have to give Qurbani separately from that of my father Or Will my father’s Qurbani on my behalf will suffice? I have enough money to buy an animal for myself.

الجواب حامدا و مصلیا

Let it be known that before the time of giving Qurbani if the questioner’s father had taken permission from the concerned people at home and sacrificed a large animal i.e camel, ox etc, keeping their shares in it, then in such a situation the Qurbani, on behalf of them as well, will be valid. Therefore it is necessary for the questioner’s father to take permission from the concerned people and perform this Wajib act. Now if the questioner is having means and wishes to perform a separate Qurbani as well then beyond doubt this too is permissible and correct and this Qurbani will be a Nafl, Sawab of which could be granted to any relative etc.
Allah knows best.

This Q&A was indexed from the official english fatwa portal of Jamia Binoria. It is an Islamic educational institute in Karachi, Pakistan.

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