Assalamu Alaikum! Two questions.
1. Can women conduct their own Jamaath within the house or in some halls?
2. Can women join the Jamaath of men and perform their Namaz ( while remaining in the Pardha or in seperated partition)? Assalamu Alaikum
الجواب حامدا و مصلیا
1It is also Makrooh for a female to become an Imam and conduct Tharaweeh for females. However, if a girl in order to protect her memory, without inviting, collect the household females and recite them Qur’an by conducting Tharaweeh Salath, an allowance is found in Shari’a for such an act. However, it is Makarooh e Thahreemi to make arrangement to call people from outside or to go out and perform Tharaweeh in a hall etc. It is necessary to refrain from it.
2Females can perform Tharaweeh Salath following a male Imam if complete arrangement of observance of Pardah is available and there is no fear of a (Fitnah) mischief. There is an allowance for this but it is necessary to refrain from going out of