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‘Abdullah ibn Mubarak (rahimahullah) would have spent his last day on earth imparting knowledge

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قيل لعبد الله بن المبارك: لو قيل لك لم يبق من عمرك إلا يوم ما كنت صانعا؟ قال: كنت أعلّم الناس


Imam Bayhaqi (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration.

(Al Madkhal ila ‘Ilmis Sunan: 1579)


‘Abdullah ibn Al Mubarak (rahimahullah) was asked, “If it was said to you that you only have one more day to live, what [deeds] would you do?” He replied, “I would [spend that day] teaching people.”

Sayyiduna Abu Dharr (radiyallahu ‘anhu) made an even more profound statement regarding conveying knowledge. He pointed to his neck and said:

“If you were to put a sharp sword here and at that time the thought crossed my mind that I should convey one more sentence which I heard from Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), before you killed me, I would still say it.”

(Sahih Bukhari –ta’liqan-, before Hadith: 68. Also see: Footnotes of Shaykh Muhammad ‘Awwamah on Al Madkhal: 1579)

And Allah Ta’ala Knows best.

Answered by: Moulana Suhail Motala

Approved by: Moulana Muhammad Abasoomar

This answer was collected from HadithAnswers.com. The answers were either answered or checked by Moulana Haroon Abasoomar (rahimahullah) who was a Shaykhul Hadith in South Africa, or by his son, Moulana Muhammad Abasoomer (hafizahullah), who is a Hadith specialist. 

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