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Did the prophet marry a divorcee?


Salaam alaykum 

I have a question 

Did Nabi Muhammed s.a.w. marry a divorced women ? 


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Nabi Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam married Zainab Bint Jahsh Radhiallahu Anha who was the divorced wife of Zaid Bin Haaritha Radhiallahu Anhu. From amongst the wives of Nabi Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallam, only Hadhrat Aishah Radhiallahu Anha was previously unmarried. The rest of the wives were widows.[1]


And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best


Mufti Muhammad I.V Patel

Checked and Approved by
Mufti Nabeel Valli

Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah

Lusaka, Zambia


تعدد زوجات الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم


إمتاع الأسماع (6/ 59)

  تزوجها زيد بن حارثة- حبّ رسول اللَّه صلّى اللَّه عليه وسلم- وشكاها

إلى رسول اللَّه صلّى اللَّه عليه وسلم، وقال: إنها سيئة الخلق، واستأمره في طلاقها، فقال له

أمسك عليك زوجك يا زيد، ورآها صلّى اللَّه عليه وسلم فأعجبته، ثم إن زيدا ضاق ذرعا بما رأى من سوء خلقها، فطلقها فزوجها اللَّه بنبيه حين انقضت عدتها، بغير مهر، ولا تولى أمرها أحد كسائر أزواجه

This answer was collected from Daruliftaazambia.com, which serves as a gateway to Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah – Lusaka, Zambia.

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