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Do the Witnesses Need To Be Physically Present in the Majlis?

Answered by: Mufti Muhammad Asadullah Anwar Adam


Do the shawahid need to be in majlis to witness nikah, or can they be online?

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


The marriage of Muslims is not concluded except in the presence of two male witnesses who are free, sane, major Muslims, or one man and two women.[1]

The witnesses will need to be physically present.

Only Allah knows best

Written by Mufti Muhammad Asadullah Anwar Adam

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

[1] [Hidayah, volume 3, page 5]

{ولا يعقد نكاح المسلمين إلا بحضور شاهدين حرين عاقلين بالغين مسلمين رجلين أو رجل وامرأتين }

This answer was collected from DarulIftaBirmingham.co.uk, which is run under the supervision of Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah from the United Kingdom.

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