Answered by: Mufti Muhammad Imad Ali
My mother is paralyzed for 14 years now. She is about 74 years old. She has been hospitalized due to a chest infection. Which will take time to clear out.
Now, some of my family members come to the hospital and getting my mum to say Allahu akbar. They are literally forcing her to say it. Her mouth goes dry. She had a stroke too, and the right side is paralyzed and her speech is really bad. They do not let her rest. I told them to read the Quran next to her. But, they are being forceful towards my mum to say Allahu akbar when she isn’t able to say it all the time as her mouth goes dry. They tell her not to say any other words. And they are getting her to drink Zamzam water and rubbing it in her chest.
My question is as she is unwell is she suppose to say Allahu akbar all the time without resting as being forced and not talk about anything else?? As she is old and hardly in her sense, will Allah forgive her? Or does she need to be forced to say Allahu akbar? The doctor hasn’t said anything besides it’s an infection. But, the way they are treating it, it’s like her last stage.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
To recite the Kalimah on one’s death bed is indeed the noblest death. To be honored with this type of death, one would have to live life strictly in conformance to the teachings of Shari’ah and following the Sunnah of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam).
A Muslim on his deathbed is best described by Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) himself. Hadhrat Abu Hurayra (Radhiallaahu Anhu) narrates that Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘(As for) a dying man, the angels come to him. If the man was pious, they say, ‘Come out, O pure soul which was in a pure body. Come out being praised and receive the glad tidings of pleasure and fragrance and of a lord who is not angry (with you).’ They
continue to utter this until it (the soul) comes out. It then ascends to the sky which opens up for it. It is then asked, ‘Who is this?’ They will say, ‘so and so.’ It will then be said, ‘Welcome to the pious soul which was in a pious body. Enter being praised and receive the good news of pleasure and fragrance and of a Lord who is not angry.’ This utterance will continue until it reaches that heaven wherein Allah is.
When a man is not pious, they (angels) will say, ‘Come out O despised soul which was in a despised body. Come out disgraced and receive the news of boiling waters and pus and other punishments of various kinds. This utterance will continue until it (the soul) comes out. It will then be taken to the sky which will be opened for it. It will be asked, ‘Who is this?’ It will be said, ‘So-and-so’. It will then be said, ‘You are not welcome. O evil soul which was in an evil body. Return despised and verily the doors of heaven will not be opened for you.’ It is then hurled down from the skies and it will go to the grave (wherein perpetual punishment will be meted out to it.’ (Mishkaat pg.141)
Regarding your question, the moment she recites the Kalimah once, keep quiet and do not try to make her read it repeatedly until she passes away. Because the purpose of this is that, the last words that are uttered by her are that of the Kalimah. It is therefore not necessary that the Kalimah be continuously recited until she passes away. However, if she starts talking of any worldly matter after having recited the Kalimah, commence reciting the Kalimah again. Once she recites it, keep quiet.
Once the breathing begins to stop, she starts taking quick breaths, the limbs get loose and she is unable to stand, the nose gets crooked and the temples begin to cave in, one should know that death has approached. At that time, the Kalimah should be recited in a loud voice.
Only Allah knows best
Written by Mufti Muhammad Imad Ali
Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham