(Fatwa: 857/L=323/TL=1432)
(1) If you did not purchase the said plot purely with the intention of business rather bought it for yourself and you had the intention in your heart that in case of profit you would sell it then the zakah of previous years is not wajib on that plot. Zakah shall be wajib after the plot is sold as per the said conditions.
(2) If you constantly had a sum that makes one owner of nisab during these ten years, then you have to pay zakah of those two thousand rupees. The method of paying zakah is that first you pay 50 rupees as the zakah of two thousand rupees. While in the second year, you will pay the zakah of 1950 rupees. And in the same way, each year after deducing the amount of wajib, you will pay the zakah. This ruling is in case when you were owner of nisab each year and if you have not been owner of nisab, then zakah is not wajib on you at all. In the same way, if you are not owner of nisab in any particular year, then zakah of the year shall not be wajib.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband