I wil marry a girl a.b.c .til now no engagment has been. 1) Can i make duaa for her e.g may ALLAH make her religious pious,remove her worries,give her health? If yes thn with which niyah i can make dua e.g as a husband (considering her my pheoncy or wife ) or without it i should make dua for her 3) can man pray for any ger mehram for whom he have no bad desires so they can become pious.
(Fatwa: 1419/1335=D/1429)
(1) You can do, but you should not think of her deeply as you are not yet her husband and she is not your wife till now, so you can pray for her as your fianc?e only.
(2) It is desirable to pray for all Muslim men and women, also it is allowed to pray for any particular man or woman even for non-Mahram women provided your mind is free from bad thoughts.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband