Asak brother in Islam this is in reference to fatwa 8255, my prayers did not answered till now and it is unbearable for me to avoid physical needs. my wife and her father’s attitude did not change till now, all they want is money, which i donot have,i have lots of debts in the country where i used to live,but i cannot repay them,and i cannot go back to that country and repay their money, so will I be held responsible for not paying money but when i took the money my neyaath was to pay back and i cannot marry also , as they have filed more cases,and Allah forbid if i loose the cases , i will end up in jail and what will my new wife think and how long she will have to wait for me till i come 1st wife is telling all lies and i cannot lie by taking oath of Holy Quran, i m very much confused,i m afraid i might commit zina(Allah forbid) if done then who wil be responsible as i m surrounded by enemies near my house and i still donot work,please guide me in the light of quran and sunnah, please reply at the earliest as to aviod me from commiting zina, JazakAllah Khair
(Fatwa: 474/431=B/1430)
It is necessary to pay back the debt in any condition. Make firm intention to pay it and pay it gradually. Recite the below dua so much:
اللھم اکفنی بحلالک عن حرامک و اغننی بفضلک عمن سواک
Assemble 3-4 people from your side and from her side as well including some aalim, and try to solve the matter by the panchayat. If it is not solved, keep fast to break your shahwah. May Allah protect you against your enemies and may solve your problem and grant you a peaceful life.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband