I am living in Saudi Arabia. Can I perform more than one UMRAH in a same day when i go to umrah. and if i want to perform umrah for my grandfather who already passed it is valid. and also can i perform umrah for live people.if more than one umrah allowed than after each umrah i have to save my head.? please guide me.
(Fatwa: 1002/807/B=1431)
(1) According to Sharia it is alright doing umrah more than once in a day.
(2 & 3) It is right for both alive and dead ones.
(4) It is wajib to wear ihram before each umrah and shave the hair of head passing razor after umrah.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband