By mistake I gave the wrong name or may be it is correct but I do not know my name is Ehtishamul Haque and the name I gave to my son is Ibnanul Haque. Is it correct? Can we continue using it? As I realized Ibnan means 2 sons in Arabic. Does that name means two sons of HAQ (mazallah)? We have started calling him Zubair in home but officially in passport his name is still Ibnanul Haque. Please reply soon.
(Fatwa: 376/308/B=1433)
It is not right to keep the name ‘Ibnanul Haque’ to your son. The reason is the same which you wrote. Instead you can keep the name Inamul Haque. It suits the rhyme of your name. Also Zubair is a good name.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband