Dear Muftisab, Assalaumaikum, I was doing a business and have lost the same and huge amount of money. I have also huge bank loans which is very difficult for me to pay. There is also one building which is uncomplete and I want to complete and give it on rent. I have also done some court cases against tenants and lost the same. I want some wazifa so that the I can complete the bank loans (2) I can get my business back (3) My building will be completed and I can get a good tenant for income. (4_) I can win the court case and eject the tenant. Regards!
(Fatwa: 1407/1339=B/1430)
Recite the dua 100 times with durood 3 times before and after:
أللھم أکفني بحلالک عن حرامک وأغنني بفضلک عمن سواک
Recite it with full confidence and surety that the debt will be repaid.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband