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Do I need to make Niyat of Zakat for the Rs 1500 I give to a needy person every month?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta-Deoband.com
Assalamualikum, I thought of giving Rs 1500 to needy people every month from my Salary and Alhamdulillah I was doing the same from one or two years. Now my parents thing that it might be difficult for me to give Zakat amount which may be approx RS 15000 and they are telling me to do Niyat as Zakat for the amount which I am paying every month as Rs 1500, so that in 10 months the Zakat will be paid over. (The amount Rs 1500 is given to one of our relative whose husband is expired and she has a small kid, I am sending it to my parents and they are given it to her) I am staying in rented house for which intially I have given RS 42,000 as a deposit and the rent is Rs 7000. I thought every month I have to pay the rent, after the first month I told to my house owner I want to pay Rs 7000 rent, he said you have already paid RS 42,000 and no need to pay the rent every month, once the amount is over in 6 months, you have to pay for another 6 month Rs 42,000. Now I have the 3 months rent rs 7000 each (i.e., RS 21,000) with me, I wanted to give Zakat from this amount and I wish not to stop Rs 1500 which I am given it to needy every month. If I pay Zakat from this amount, I will not be having Rs 42,000 to pay to my house owner as 6 months rent which I have to pay after 3 months, but I believe Allah will arrange some amount Inshallah. The six months amount Rs 42,000 owner has mentioned in the agreement that I should pay without fail. I have not told about the amount which I have with me (i.e., RS 21,000) to my parents, as if I tell them they will ask for the money as they have lot of debt. They had become debt as they did lavish expenses at the time of my brother marriage (Lavish expenses like purchase of clothes worth Rs 10,000 each and distributing chocolate box and giving grand party etc.) Total they spend approx. Rs.2 Lakhs which they had taken debt, even I said not to do lavish expenses they did not heard me. I am sending amount for expenses to my parents every month. Some month before itself my parents said to stop giving Rs 1500 to needy, as they had debt and first we need to pay our debt. Question: 1. As per above mentioned details, Please let me know do I have to do Niyat as Zakat for the amount which I am paying every month Rs 1500 and stop paying Rs 1500 to needy. (or) 2. Can I pay Zakat from the Rs 21,000 mentioned above and continue paying Rs 1500 every month to needy. 3. Can we give the whole Zakat amount to only one person? 4. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions?


(Fatwa: 1463/73=TB=1430)

First of all, you should pay the debt of your father. Once you paid off all the debts, help the widows and the poor. If the widow is needy and she does not have wealth equal to nisab, you can give Zakah to her. You should take out 2.5% (as Zakah) of the 21000 which you have. You can give Zakah amount to one individual as well, but the amount should not exceed nisab.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

This answer was collected from the official ifta website of Darul Uloom Deoband in India.

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