A man gave two gold bangles to her bride for” muh dekhai rasam” just after nikaah.now he want that these bangles should be included in the payment of “mahar”.how it is?
(Fatwa: 675/633=L/1429)
While giving the bangles if he intended to give it as mehr (dower) then he can count in the same. If he indented nothing, then obviously it was a gift, not mehr, and once it is gift it can not be converted to mehr:
ولو بعث الی امراتہ شیئاً و لم یذکر جھۃ المھر کقولہ لشمع او حناء، ثم قال: انہ المھر لم یقبل ۔۔۔ لوقوعہ ھدیۃ فلا ینقلب مھراً (کذا فی الدر المختار)
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband