Question1-Is it permissible to throw dead animals like cats birds mice etc in dustbins if theres no convinient place to bury them? Question2-Is it permissible to eat owl? Question3-Is it permissible to recycle Islamic litrature with non Islamic litrature together if theres no place to bury it or unable to put it in water?(Because in England all papers Islamic and non Islamic are recycled together) Question4-Is it permissible to feed Insects like worms etc dead and alive to Chickens?
(Fatwa: 1467/1248=B/1429)
You can cast them in dustbins.
(2) It is unlawful and haram, it is predatory bird.
(3) Yes, the Islamic literature can be recycled.
(4) Yes, it is allowed.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband