بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Fatwa: 863/814/SD=8/1439)
One should eat cleaning his fingers well and drink water with right hand and curry etc should be taken with right hand because it is sunnah to do good work with right hand. However, if the right hand is busy in eating then there is no harm to take support of left hand for drinking water or take curry with left hand, it is lawful.
يجعل يمينه لطعامه و شرابه وشماله لما سوى ذلك، فان احتيج الى الاستعانة بالشمال، فبحكم التبعية . (عمدة القارى: 387/14، ط: زكريا) (تحفة الالمعى: 149/ 5، كتاب الاطعمة)
Allah knows Best!
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband