I had rented one of my house to a Shia family. That fraud tenant ran away without paying rent of many months, he left behind his dirty clothes and home furniture. My questions are: (1) What does Shariah say about the left behind things?
(2) Will it come to my fief/manor?
(3) What should I do with those clothes, sadaqah or something? Guide me in the light of the Quran & Haditth.
(2) Will it come to my fief/manor?
(3) What should I do with those clothes, sadaqah or something? Guide me in the light of the Quran & Haditth.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Fatwa: 536/532/H=06/1437)
If there is no hope of his return, then you may sell the furniture and keep amount equal to the rent for yourself. And give the remaining amount in charity to the needy ones as well as get his clothes washed and distribute it to the poor and needy ones. If you keep the due amount of the rent then you shall become its owner
Allah knows Best!
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband