Hafiz Irshad Ahmad expired in 1992 leaving behind 6 sons and 3 daughters. He had a piece of land. In 1994 one of his sons, Izhar also expired leaving behind a son, a daughter and his wife. This widow of Izhar soon married (not sure if iddat was completed). The wife of Hafiz Irshad Ahmad/mother of Izhar also expired in 2009. Now in 2018 we want to distribute share between 5 sons, 3 daughters of Hafiz Irshad Ahmad. Also widow,son and daughter of Izhar will have share in the property. Please let us know share of everyone.
In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful
The answer to your question is as follows:
In the above motioned case, after paying due rights preceding inheritance, all the properties of Irshad Ahmad shall be divided into 4320 shares. Out of which 3000 shall be distributed equally among 5 sons of Irshad Ahmad, 900 shares will equally be distributed among 3 daughters of Irshad Ahmad, 63 shares shall go to wife of Izhar, 238 shares to the son of Izhar and 119 shares to the daughter of Izhar.
And Allah knows best
Darul Ifta
Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband