
Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta Azaadville


To enter many shops one must first make use of sanitizers, the same is for masjids who have hand sanitizers by the entrance for people to use. The sanitizers contain 60+ percent alcohol.

Is it permissible to use such things that contain for cleaning? Also what is the ruling if someone uses sanitizer and goes to pray without washing it off?


What is the ruling if the sanitzer goes on the clothes?


      If the sanitizer contains alcohol that is made from dates or grapes, then it will be totally impure; Salah will not be valid if it is on one’s body or clothes.

      If the sanitizer contains alcohol that is not made from dates or grapes, or it contains ethanol alcohol, it will be advisable to refrain from this as well. However, Salah performed with this type of sanitizer will be valid. We strongly discourage the usage of such sanitizers, especially if one is going to perform Salah with it.

       If one is unaware as to what type of alcohol is in the sanitizer, then we advise that one should abstain from using it.

We should use soap and water instead of a sanitizer; soap has the same effect. These days there are sanitizers which are non-alcoholic available on the market.  

We recommend that you purchase a small bottle that can easily fit in your pocket. Alternatively, fill it up with water and add some soap in it, and when you visit any store or a Masjid, you should show the person doing the sanitizing that you are spraying your hands with your personal bottle.  This will make both of you comfortable.

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.

This answer was collected from the official Ifta website of Darul Uloom Azaadville, South Africa. Most of the answers are checked and approved by Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.

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