A: If, when borrowing the item, the lender clearly prohibited you from lending it to anyone else then you cannot lend it out. If he clearly permitted you to lend it out then you may lend it out. If when borrowing the item you said that “I am going to use it” and neither did the owner prohibit you nor did he permit you from lending it out then you may lend it out if the item does not change due to different users like a house to live in.
However, if the item changes with different users like a car then you cannot lend it out. If you just said “May I borrow this item” then you may lend it out if the item does not change with the different users. If it does change with the different users then only one person can use it; meaning that once you use it no one else can use it, or if you allowed someone else to use it then neither you nor anyone else besides the person you allowed to use it may use it. Bahishti Zewar