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Are women are allowed to go to the qabrastaan (graveyard)?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by CouncilofUlama.co.za

Q: Are women are allowed to go to the qabrastaan (graveyard)?

A:In general, women are soft hearted and they tend to cry and lament over the graves, especially if the graves belong to their loved ones. It is for this reason that the Shariah prohibits them from visiting the graves.

However, if a woman feels that she can control herself and her object is to benefit spiritually, then she shall be permitted to visit the graveyards on condition that she is old and adheres to the Shari’ pardah. Young women are not permitted to visit the graveyard under any circumstance.

Moreover, there is a strong possibility that their visiting the graveyard leads to other vices; and it is incorrect to commit a haram act to fulfill a desirable act. Therefore, it is advisable that the women do not visit the graveyard at all, whether young or old.

Fataawa Mahmoodiya Vol:2  Pgs:368,397,407,444 (Maktabah Mahmoodiyah)

Rad-ul-Muhtar Vol:2  Pg:241 (H.M. Sa’eed Company)

This answer was collected from CouncilofUlama.co.za, which is operated under the supervision of Council of Ulama Eastern Cape, South Africa.

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