I am studying for Chartered accountancy. I am from India. My questions is that. A chartered accountant has to audit and verify the accounts of the client. Suppose if a client has Fixed deposit with bank, and he is having interest income from F.D. So being a chartered account i need to audit and verify this that whether the interest credited to his profit and loss account is correct or not. Tell me if this audit and verification is correct or not. And if not than what can I do for this ?? Please help me in this. Jazakallah
Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
The auditing process of a chartered accountant merely serves to confirm whether a transaction had taken place or not. The accountant is not directly involved in the transaction.
To verify whether interest was correctly credited or not in ones account does not fall in the prohibition of dealing in interest bearing transactions.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best,