Is it permissible for a married couple to refer to sexually related books available in local bookstores in order to enhance their physical/intimate form of marriage. Books that are written either by doctors. Your kind advise is requested.
There is a fundamental difference between Islamic values and western
concepts. Many things prohibited in Islam is regarded as taboo in the
western world, especially, in physical / intimate relationship.
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Shame is a branch of Imaan.’
(Mishkaat) In another narration, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)
said, ‘When there is no shame, a person may do whatever he/she wish to.’
As Muslims, we are advised to display shame and modesty in every aspect of
our lives. That includes physical/intimate relationship with one’s spouse.
It is obvious that sexually related books authored by non-Muslims are void
of any shame. In fact, many of their guidelines lead to unnatural (pervert)
sexual acts. People addicted to such unnatural acts find themselves trapped
in a world of unfulfilled passion as the blazing fire of desires is always
aggravated in them by such resource material. However, if there is a medical
reason for not being able to fulfil one’s desires, then one may seek medical
advise to cure oneself. Furthermore, intimacy with one’s spouse is a
temporary biological need to be fulfilled, not to be aggravated.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai