Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. Regarding question 11494, how does Imam Nawawi (RA) saying trimming the beard is MAKROOH = HARAAM. Secondly How does Al-Iraqi (RA) saying ?THE BEST IS? = WAJIB because you state that everybody agrees it is Wajib to grow the beard and Haram to trim it? I require an answer only according to the Shafi? Madhhab ? I know you issue fatawa only according to Hanafi but your earlier claim (everybody agrees it is Wajib to grow the beard and Haram to trim it) has to be substantiated with proof. Jazakumullahu Khair.
Firstly, we did not state that it is Haraam to trim the beard according to any Madhab. What we did state is that it is Makrooh Tahrimi (close to Haraam) to do so upto less than one first.
Secondly, the two quotations that we presented from the Shaafi?ee scholars was in substantiation of the claim of Allaamah ibnul Humaam [ra] that nobody has permitted trimming upto lesser than one fist. This is clearly understood from those quotations. As for the statements of Imaam Nawawi [ra] and Allaamah Iraqi [ra], these refer to the act of trimming what is in excess of a fist as is understood from the context of that statement. Lastly, the proof for our ?claim? is the statement of Allaamah ibnul Hummaah [ra] the student of Hafiz ibn Hajar [ra] and the famous commentator on ?al-Hidaaya?. The quotations provided from the other Madhaahib were used as supplements only.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Moulana Muhammad ibn Moulana Haroon Abassommar
checked & approved by: MUFTI EBRAHIM DESAI (FATWA DEPT.)