Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » I have heard that we are not supposed to look up inside the Kaaba, does me seeing the sidewalls of Kaaba entail sin?

I have heard that we are not supposed to look up inside the Kaaba, does me seeing the sidewalls of Kaaba entail sin?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

1) I was surfing the net and came over a site which had pictures of Kaaba. This site had pictures from inside the Kaaba looking down. In that picture I could see the sidewalls of Kaaba and the ground. I have heard that we are not supposed to look up inside the Kaaba, does me seeing the sidewalls of Kaaba entail sin?

2) I feel myself being more attracted towards the dunya and sometimes have this feeling of being totally independent even from Allah swt(astaghfirullah) once I get a job. I do dhikr and pray to Allah swt to remove such ruthless love of dunya from my heart. Can you please give me any specific dhikr through which I can come to realize my helplessness in front of Allah swt and be completely humble. How can I remove the love of dunya from my heart, but at the same time I want a good job and make good money so I can provide for my family. How can I inculcate the work of dunya with my deen. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Jazakallah khair again


1. No, it is not a sin to see a picture of the sidewalls and top of the Ka’abah.

2. How can a person ever think of being independent from Allah. Ponder on the following: Did a person come into existence all by himself or did Allah create him? Was a person not a drop of impure water? Who transferred the water into the womb of the mother and caused fertilization to take place? How did the foetus take different forms and shapes in the womb? Who fed you when you were in the womb of your mother? Who put your love in your mother’s heart to take care of you after birth? Whose air do you breath to survive? Did you ponder on every piece of bread and morsel of food and all its components? Did you get all of it yourself? Could you even create one grain leave aside the thousands of grain you already ate. Who makes the food go down the throat? Who makes the food digest? Who makes the body function? A person can never do anyone of the above. Then how can he feel independent from Allah Who does everything. If a person wants to know his reality, then ponder on what comes out when he relieves himself urine and excreta. Then how can he have pride.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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