Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Islamically who is responsible for providing for wife in a case where husband doesn’t have the means. ? is the boyz parents liable to help with necessities e.g rent , food , and bedding

Islamically who is responsible for providing for wife in a case where husband doesn’t have the means. ? is the boyz parents liable to help with necessities e.g rent , food , and bedding

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

i have been married for atleast a year. and alhumdulilallah allah has blessed me with a wife you i would say is a hoor of jannah. i married when i was 20 and just graduated with out a job. i made intention that Allah will provide for me. and also may parent will help me with my needs. a year has passed and my parents who have said they will assist me. have not totally kept up to there word and this has caused allot of distress between me and my wife. she feels very hurt. my parents are in financial difficulties as well as myself. i dont want to turn to anyone else but my parents. my wife view is that my parents should assist me.


According to the Shari?ah, you are an adult. It is not your parent’s responsibility to maintain you. You should maintain yourself. As a husband, it is your obligation to support and maintain your wife. If your parents have offered to assist you, that is their kind gesture.

You state your parents are in financial difficulty. If they cannot assist you, you cannot hold them responsible. Be thankful to them for whatever assistance they have rendered. You should search for means of livelihood and support yourself and your wife. You state that you made intention that Allah will provide for you. Allah did provide for you through your parents before, He is still the Provider and will do so through other means. Place your trust in Allah and adopt the means.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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