I read that the child ‘ll ‘ve effect later on of the thinkings of mother & all. I used to cry alot in my pregnency & cant help it as i used to get too emotional. I used to force my husband to send me to my parents (to my home country ) for delivery & to let me be with my parents during & sometime after child birth. As he did not used to listen to me i used to cry & sometimes used to think that this behaviour of mine could affect my child & used to pray to Allah not to happen such things. Now i know i should not ‘ve done(getting too emotional) that rather would ‘ve done sabr(patience) & dua to Allah. Now my quetion is ‘ll i get rewarded for my pregnancy or Allah is angry as i used to cry alot. Please write in detail. JazakAllah.
To be conceived and give birth are great acts of Ibaadah.
Every moment of your pregnancy, giving birth, taking care of the child is engaged in Ibaadat. You will be greatly rewarded for that. Being emotional and crying does not deprive you of the great rewards.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai