2. How about when exiting, and some people choose places in the backside to offer their Sunnahs, and one HAS to cross in front of them to get to the door to go back to their jobs?
You have raised an important issue. A person who intends to perform Sunnah
Salaat before or after the Fardh Salaat should be considerate to Musallees
entering the Musjid for Salaat and coming out of the Musjid after Salaat.
They should perform their Sunnat Salaats without obstructing any person
coming in or coming out of the Musjid. The Imaam may also remind his
congregation to be considerate.
It is not prohibited for a person to walk in line of a person performing
Salaat and go in front of him. It is prohibited to walk across a performing
performing Salaat.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai